DropDown with multiple property true, change event not fired

I am using RadzenDropDown component with property multiple equal to true.
The events ValueChanged, Change or SelectedItemChanged not fired.
When the property multiple equal to false, all above events fired.

Here is the code

        <RadzenDropDown AllowClear="true" TValue="List<UsersGroupsModel>" Class="w-100"
                        Data=@(userGroups) TextProperty="GroupName" ValueProperty="Id" Multiple="true" 
                         Change=@OnUsersGroupsChange Value=@selectedGroups ValueChanged=@OnUsersGroupsItemChange />

selectedGroups ==> List of UsersGroupsModel

UsersGroupsModel => class (){GroupName string , Id long}

void OnUsersGroupsItemChange(object value)
    string tmp = "passed";

void OnUsersGroupsChange(object value)
    string tmp = "passed";



Thank you

This event should not be used directly. It’s used by Blazor two way binding @bind-Value, check our demo for reference how to two-way bound DropDown with multiple selection:

I have seen your demo example. When the drop down menu showing, I have the option to select (click on check box) more than one value. The event Change not fired. If I press the x button (Clear) then the event fired with null parameter. I want to catch the selected values after clicking each record

Thank you

Change event in our demo is raised: