Dropdown not dropping down

I've got 2 dropdowns that are not 'dropping down' on the page. When either one is clicked it does this


It's hard to see, but there is a second line under the dropdown box and that's it. Happens like this on either dropdown.

The code for the dropdowns is:

    <label class="mr-3">Select Start Month/Year</label>
    <RadzenDropDown Value="FNMnth" Placeholder="Select Month" Data="@Months"
                    TValue="string" TextProperty="MnthNum" ValueProperty="MnthName"
                    Change="@(args => ChangeMnth(args))">

    <RadzenDropDown Value="FNYr" Placeholder="Select Year" Data="@Years"
                    TValue="string" TextProperty="YrNum" ValueProperty="YrName"
                    Change="@(args => ChangeYr(args))">

    <label class="mr-3">Set Padding days</label>
    <RadzenTextBox id="txtPadDays" Placeholder="Days past last day of Month" @bind-Value=@PadDays></RadzenTextBox>

    <RadzenButton ButtonType="ButtonType.Button" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Primary"
                  Text="Fetch Report" Click=@(args => GetRpt(args))></RadzenButton>

with the code behind as:

  int FNMnth = 0;
  string FNYr = "";
  string PadDays = "";

  public class MnthList
    public int MnthNum { get; set; }
    public string? MnthName { get; set; }
  public class YrList
    public int YrNum { get; set; }
    public string? YrName { get; set; }

  IList<MnthList>? Months = new List<MnthList>();
  IList<YrList>? Years = new List<YrList>();

  protected override void OnInitialized()
    IList<MnthList> Months = new List<MnthList>();

    for(int i = 1; i < 13; i++)
      MnthList ml = new MnthList();
      ml.MnthNum = i;
      ml.MnthName = CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName(i);

    Console.WriteLine("Month list = " + Months.Count.ToString()); // prints Months list = 3

    IList<YrList>? Years = new List<YrList>();
    YrList yl = new YrList();
    int yr = 2021;
    int thisyear = DateTime.Now.Year;
    int j = 0;
    while (thisyear >= yr)
      yl.YrNum = j;
      yl.YrName = thisyear.ToString();
      thisyear = thisyear - 1;
      j = j + 1;

    Console.WriteLine("Year List = " + Years.Count.ToString());  //prints "Year List = 3

You are not adding items to the Months field but to a local variable defined in the OnInitialized method. The same goes for Years. As a result both Months and Years stay empty. You should delete the following lines from the OnInitialized method:

IList<MnthList> Months = new List<MnthList>();
IList<YrList>? Years = new List<YrList>();