Dropdown filter and grid

I have a date field in most of my grids that renders the latter of update or created:

<RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="EsWlite.Models.Ecosys.TblClientProperty" FormatString="{0:d}" Title="Date">
  <Template Context="data">
<RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="EsWlite.Models.Ecosys.TblClientProperty" Width="45px">

The filter doesn't work with a value selecte this way.

What is the easiest way to filter on the displayed value? I'd rather not create a custom method for every page that has a grid on it.



I think u should add a property to ur class (EsWlite.Models.Ecosys.TblClientProperty) where in the get u read the date based on ur condition?

Something like this

public string NewerDate
                 return Updated > Created ? Updated : Created

And then change ur current column to use the new property

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Thanks, that makes sense