Please tell me if such a dropdown button exists?
Not yet, however we have it in our Angular components and it is in our roadmap for Blazor!
wow, you are cool guys, I do not regret that I started using Radzen
We've just added SplitButton component for Blazor:
Hi @benghaner,
How is RadzenSplitButton different than the linked dropdown?
Hi @korchev
The RadzenSplitButton is 2 side-by-side buttons. The arrow button on the right yields the dropdown.
The single button dropdown is 1 button. Clicking anywhere on the button yields the dropdown.
Best wishes,
is there any chance you will add the single button dropdown? I know this is old topic but I see you didnt answer @benghaner
Hey @Marek_Pavlicek,
We accept pull requests!
So is it possible to add this feature where it wont be split button but just one whole button that works like the dropdown arrow in splitbutton?
Hey @Marek_Pavlicek,
We are open source library and contributors are adding features daily:
Feel free to submit such feature - you can be one of our contributors!