Dropdown AllowFiltering

Has there been a change to how dropdowns filter? I have rebuilt an application that I originally wrote in server, now .net 8 web app using Auto. None of my dropdowns will filter now. I keep getting a unable to load error. Looks like an issue in the LoadData, but I tried the filtering demo examples and still get the same issues.

info: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.Default.LogicalHandler[100]
Start processing HTTP request GET https://localhost:5001/odata/Ignitedb/FinanceTiers?$filter=ti&$count=false
info: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.Default.ClientHandler[100]
Sending HTTP request GET https://localhost:5001/odata/Ignitedb/FinanceTiers?$filter=ti&$count=false

It doesn't seem to matter what dropdown option I use, the LoadData that gets created can't filter...dropdown, dropdown datagrid or autocomplete.

Works normally on our demos:

I found the problem, when I generate a set of Crud pages, the search filter invariably picks the wrong column to search, so even when I change the text and value properties it is searching the wrong columns...I have it now...thank you!

What would be awesome, if the dropdown wizard asked for the search parameter as well! :smiley:

Still, I fee a little dumb for even bringing up the topic now!

Thanks you for everything you guys do!