I know this is topic is mentioned at least once weekly but I'm experiencing strange behaviour and I'm not sure why.
When i started with Radzen.Blazor I was testing many features and I'm sure i tested dialog with Draggable
and it worked, i remember because i found it neat. Then I implemented my system and Draggable
left on default false
. Now, after many dialogs in my system i tried to turn on Draggable
but not only are my dialogs not draggable, but after atempting to drag dialog and subsequently closing it, Blazor starts to spam console with this error on mouse move (so constantly...):
Apart of that log message and dragging by the dialog's header not working everything else works fine, reopening the dialog, dialog content etc.
I thought it must be something specific I do in my system, so I created new page, and copied example from docs (and simplify dialog content a bit to just some text and close button):
@inject DialogService dialogService
<RadzenButton ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Warning" Text="Dialog" Click="OpenModal" />
@code {
private async Task OpenModal()
var result = await dialogService.OpenAsync("Simple Dialog", ds =>
<p class="mb-4">Confirm Order ID <b>123</b>?</p>
<RadzenButton Text="Ok" Click="() => ds.Close(true)" />
new DialogOptions() { Draggable = true }
And it behaves the same. Also, my system is Blazor WebAssembly and I'm adding DialogService as scoped.