Drag event disable when slider is load

Hi, I just discover a bug with the slider and the drag event.

Step to reproduce the problem :

  1. Go to the Radzen demo site: https://blazor.radzen.com/image
  2. In any page, try to drag something and you will see a little image preview or the text will be highlighted
  3. Then visit the slider demo page: https://blazor.radzen.com/slider
  4. Go back to the image page (or any page) and try to drag something or highlighted some text again. The drag event doesn't work. I try on edge beta and Google Chrome

Thanks and have a nice day!

Thanks for the report! We will do our best to include fix in our next update.

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Hi, do you have any idea where will be fixed slider ? Last version where slider do not crash is v.2.10.14

<RadzenSlider @bind-value="r" TValue="int" Change="@((args) => ChangeColor(args))" Min="0" Max="255" />

blazor.webassembly.js:1 crit: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Rendering.WebAssemblyRenderer[100]
Unhandled exception rendering component: parent.addEventListener is not a function
TypeError: parent.addEventListener is not a function

Nice day
Thank you

Please fix the slider, is broken several versions

Thank you

Not sure what and why is not working for you. Works normally on our demo:

Hi, yes in your demo working, because is there is old version. Last version where slider works is 2.10.14. Next versions give error:

Unhandled exception rendering component: parent.addEventListener is not a function
TypeError: parent.addEventListener is not a function

Thank you for respond

Our demo is using latest version