Drag & Drop in the Tree component


Is there a way to add drag/drop to the RadzenTree component?
I mean drag/drop tree nodes and change their parent.

Hi @raptor22,

RadzenTree does not support drag and drop.

Hi @korchev
Is this considered as a feature in the near future?

No, this isn't something we plan to add soon.

I feel Drag and Drop in the RadzenTree is quite an important feature that is present in many other trees from other providers. Also present in older ASP.NET components, and people looking to upgrade their outdated solutions to the latest and greatest would possible appreciate drag and drop in the tree. Any way to request this feature? As others have mentioned, it is just a question or reordering the nodes and fire OnDrop so we can update the database with the new parent-child connection.

Hi there. Any update on this? Would be a great feature to add.

Hi @osaebo,

We accept pull requests!

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