Dotnet Build Error

New install of Radzen on Server 2008 R2 machine.

I can run the Sample CRUD App. I cannot run an app having a server project. I keep getting various build errors regarding dotnet dependencies. the latest is AspNetCore.OData. Any ideas how to troubleshoot?

radzen: Generating code ...
radzen: Code generation done in 275ms.
dotnet: C:\SOURCE\RadZen\SP_Charts3\server\project.csproj : error NU1100: Unable to resolve 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData (>= 7.1.0)' for '.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.2'.
C:\SOURCE\RadZen\SP_Charts3\server\project.csproj : error NU1100: Unable to resolve 'DocumentFormat.OpenXml (>= 2.8.1)' for '.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.2'.


dotnet: The build failed. Please fix the build errors and run again.

Thanks in advance,

Hi Josh,

What is your .NET Core version? Can you post the output from dotnet—version?

Best Regards,

Thanks for your reply. It's 2.2.105.

Can you build the application from Visual Studio? It looks as if there is an error retrieving the nuget packages.

I don't have VS on this machine, unfortunately.

Try running it from command prompt then. Go to the C:\SOURCE\RadZen\SP_Charts3\server\ directory and execute dotnet run. Does it fail with the same error? Can you access the nuget feed from this machine?

Thanks for your reply.

Z:\>dotnet restore c:\source\radzen\sp_charts3\server
  Restoring packages for c:\source\radzen\sp_charts3\server\project.csproj...
c:\source\radzen\sp_charts3\server\project.csproj : error NU1100: Unable to reso
lve 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData (>= 7.1.0)' for '.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.2'.
c:\source\radzen\sp_charts3\server\project.csproj : error NU1100: Unable to reso
lve 'DocumentFormat.OpenXml (>= 2.8.1)' for '.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.2'.
  Generating MSBuild file c:\source\radzen\sp_charts3\server\obj\project.csproj.
  Restore failed in 17.9 sec for c:\source\radzen\sp_charts3\server\project.cspr

Z:\>dotnet run --project c:\source\radzen\sp_charts3\server
c:\source\radzen\sp_charts3\server\project.csproj : error NU1100: Unable to reso
lve 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData (>= 7.1.0)' for '.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.2'.
c:\source\radzen\sp_charts3\server\project.csproj : error NU1100: Unable to reso
lve 'DocumentFormat.OpenXml (>= 2.8.1)' for '.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.2'.

The build failed. Please fix the build errors and run again.

I don't know how to see if nuget is installed properly since that's usually handled by VS in my experience.

If you have access to then you should be fine. Did you make any customizations to the Radzen application? You can send us the code to to see if it runs at our side.

I worked after adding NuGet.Config to server root like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <add key="dotnet-core" value=""/>
    <add key="" value="" />


Thanks for your help.