Do not collapse RadzenMenu


I have a RadzenMenu in which I use RadzenDropDown:

            <RadzenGravatar Email="">
            <RadzenProfileMenuItem Text="Buttons" Path="buttons" Icon="account_circle"></RadzenProfileMenuItem>
            <RadzenProfileMenuItem Text="Menu" Path="menu" Icon="line_weight"></RadzenProfileMenuItem>
            <RadzenProfileMenuItem Text="FileInput" Path="fileinput" Icon="attach_file"></RadzenProfileMenuItem>
            <RadzenProfileMenuItem Text="Dialog" Path="dialog" Icon="perm_media"></RadzenProfileMenuItem>
            <RadzenProfileMenuItem Text="Notification" Path="notification" Icon="announcement"></RadzenProfileMenuItem> 
            <RadzenDropDown FilterCaseSensitivity="FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive" Data=@displayOptions @bind-Value=@Timespan TextProperty="StringTimespan" Class="w-100"/> 

If I select a value from the dropdown the menu collapses. Is there a way to prevent the parent menu from collapsing (folding)? I want it to collapse only when I click on the little arrow next to avatar.

I tried @onclick:stopPropagation="true" on the RadzenDropDown, with no effect.

Hi @maciek,

Unfortunately this won't work - the items of the dropdown are rendered outside of its wrapper element and @onclick:stopPropagation="true" won't work.