Disabling RadzenDropDownDataGrid on Select ALl

Hi Team,

I want to disable my RadzenDropDownDataGrid when Select all is in progress.
I tried achieving this by using Disabled property on the RadzenDropDownDataGrid
Disabled="_isSelectAllDisabled" but nothing happened.

I then thought if I put a Busy Dialog box when select all is clicked and then close the dialog box once select all operation is completed. Dialog box appears fine and disables everything in the background but it closes the drop down data grid in the background. So this is also not working in my case.

Can you please help me, thanks :slight_smile:

Hi @Disha_Gupta,

I am not sure what "Select all is in progress" means in this context. Why is there a progress? Why do you need to disable the component the user is currently working with? It sounds strange to me.

Hi @korchev
So my drop down data grid has 4 columns and 3000 rows in it. When I click on select all check box it takes around 6-7 secs for the grid to select all the rows and update the grid with the check boxes as selected for all the rows.
During this 6-7 secs it looks like that nothing is happing and the user is tempted to click on Select all check box again and again and then the grid hangs.

please let me know if this makes sense or if needed I can provide a small screen recording or GIF

I understand your case however I don't think I can suggest a way to disable the dropdown. To be honest I would try to find a different UI altogether.

Oh okay, thank you for your time.

I would probably use a separate checkbox "Select all" which won't create a collection of all 3000 items.