Dialog Title

Hello, I wonder if I can use @((MarkupString)Title) to show the rendered Title in Dialog open Panel header. Thanks!

public async Task OpenDetail(string StrFormula, string Elm, string LineId) {
string Title = "Details for a Selected Substance: " + @FormatSrv.MoleculeFormat(StrFormula) + "";

            await DialogService.OpenAsync<Detail4ChartData>(Title,
                   new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "Substance", StrFormula }, { "Elm", Elm }, { "LineId", LineId } },
                   new DialogOptions() { Width = "700px", Height = "650px", CloseDialogOnOverlayClick = true, Resizable = true, Draggable = true });

Not possible at the moment however it will be in our next update: