DateTimePicker Initial

It looks like when you have the datepicker value set to a required datetime field, for a new record it now shows up as 01-01-0001 instead of being blank. Is there a setting or way I can have the datepicker just be empty initially?

I see this related post with exactly this same problem, didn't know if I should revive it or not DatePicker default value

This is default value for DateTime, if you are using DateTime? (nullable) the picker will be empty.

It's a non-nullable field, so I get that the value comes through as 01-01-0001. From a user perspective, it can be confusing to see that value (I just got the call from a user this morning). It's a much better user experience if the field is shown as empty to start. It is a required field, so they will not be able to save the record unless they enter a value anyways

You can add custom validator to check if the value is not default(DateTime) or assign some default value for your DateTime field on Page Load.

Yeah I considered this, unfortunately neither is a great solution because it still leaves a bad user experience.

With a custom validator, all I'm doing is checking the date, it's still confusing to the user, the real issue is that initial date time being visible, it's much cleaner to have the picker be empty.

With a default value, now the user may miss that fact they need to change the value to the proper date because they see it already prefilled.

For now, I'll change the field to nullable but still require it. This isn't a great long term solution either because if I design a database incorrectly, I may miss making certain fields required when building out my forms.

This will be part of our next update early next week.

Excellent, thanks so much!