DatePicker Disabled AllowClear="true" X shouldn't bold on hover

When using the DatePicker with AllowClear="true" the "X" shouldn't go from gray to black on hover, arguable maybe it shouldn't even appear?

This is a common UI pattern that we have implemented for all clear button styling. You can customize that via CSS easily - set to opacity of the .rz-dropdown-clear-icon CSS class to 1.

.rz-dropdown-clear-icon {
    opacity: 1 !important;

Why? How would the user click it if it didn't appear?

As the title indicates, this is for when the control is "Disabled"

It just seems weird that the control is disabled but part of it (the X) still seems interactive despite clicking it not doing anything. Keeping it gray or hiding it entirely when the control is disabled would make more sense and be a better experience

I didn't understand that you meant the DatePicker was disabled. It makes more sense now. We will address that in a future release.

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@korchev Yay! Awesome, thank you. I appreciate the great work ya'll do! Sorry I wasn't more clear in the original post. I was thinking the title covered it but I understand how it was missed after I read back over it!
