DataGridCellContextMenu not opening

The first click on the DataGridCellContextMenu opens the menu. On my second click, the menu just doesn't open. How can I solve this problem?

Works normally on our demo:

I'm doing the same with the demo. Very interesting, the menu opens on the first right click, the next click only makes selection, the menu does not open.

 <RadzenDataGrid AllowFiltering="true" FilterCaseSensitivity="FilterCaseSensitivity.CaseInsensitive" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="4"
                                        AllowSorting="true" Data="@cariGrupLists" TItem="CariGrupListVM" ColumnWidth="200px"
                                        @bind-Value=@selectedCariGrup CellContextMenu="@OnCellContextMenu">
                                <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="CariGrupListVM" Property="UserName" Title="Kayit Yapan" />
                                <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="CariGrupListVM" Property="KullanilanCariSayisi" Title="Cari Sayısı" />
public void OnCellContextMenu(DataGridCellMouseEventArgs<CariGrupListVM> args)
            selectedCariGrup = new List<CariGrupListVM>() { args.Data };

            ContextMenuService.Open(args, new List<ContextMenuItem> {
                new ContextMenuItem(){ Text = "Update", Value = 1 },
            }, (e) =>
