DataGrid with Multiple elements for column will not sort or filter

I had a problem similar to this issue DataGrid with multiple elements for one column

<RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Employee" Property="Employee.Roles" Title="Roles">
   <EditTemplate Context="employee">
       <RadzenDropDown @bind-Value="@employee.Roles" Data=@roles TextProperty="Name" Multiple=true AllowClear=true Placeholder="Roles"></RadzenDropDown>
   <Template Context="employee">
      @string.Join(", ", employee.Roles.Select(r => r.Name))

After following this, I was able to see the data in each cell but for some reason it won't sort or filter. I keep getting this error:
System.InvalidOperationException: Failed to compare two elements in the array.
---> System.ArgumentException: At least one object must implement IComparable.

You cannot sort, filter or group by a collection property.

Thanks @enchev,
Is there any kind of work around?

@jboll I’m not aware of such.