DataGrid, simple filter but querying 2 fields

Hi Team ! I really appreciate your components and I'm getting used to them.
I'm learning using all the code in the samples and demo pages.
Now I'm facing a challenge.
I created a DataGridColumn template, joining 3 fields on a single column:

 <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="Corrispondenza" Property="Destinatario" Title="Nome Cognome">
     <Template Context="posta">             
             <RadzenText TextStyle="TextStyle.Subtitle2" class="mb-0">@posta.Destinatario?.FirstName @posta.Destinatario?.LastName</RadzenText>
                 <RadzenText TextStyle="TextStyle.Caption">Scala @posta.Destinatario?.Scala</RadzenText>

I'd like to stick and use the Simple Filter on all grid columns, included the "templated" one.
But, for this one, I need to force the filter to search on both "Nome" and "Cognome" at the same time:
properties (es: x=>x.FirstName.StartsWith("[search_text] OR x.LastName.StartsWith("[search_text]")) .

Do you have any hints on which properties or what I can use ?
In the image you can see the separated columns and the joint column I'm working on.


I found this demo that is similar to what I want to achieve, but it use an external textbox, while I'd like to "reuse" the simple filter that resides embedded in the grid.

I found a property on the DataGridColumn called "CustomFilterExpression" related to a Custom LINQ query, but I'm not sure if it can be used or not, and how.

Thanks for your help and hard work on those components.

Possible way to achieve this is by using LoadData to bind the DataGrid where you can replace the original filter expression with desired.
Check our demos for more info about LoadData binding.

Super, thanks for the tip I was looking for.