Datagrid Settings does not apply the changes

I am trying to create a general grid to save the grid configuration by database. But doing tests, when I inject the saved settings, it does not apply them to the grid. It doesn't give any errors either so I'm a bit lost. They are saved perfectly and when obtained through JS they are also fine, but when you pass them to This.settings nothing applies. Here is the code:

  public class RadzenDataGridPersonal<TItem> : RadzenDataGrid<TItem> where TItem : class, new()
      public RadzenDataGridPersonal() : base()
          this.GridLines = Radzen.DataGridGridLines.Both;

          this.PageSize = 10;
          this.ShowPagingSummary =true;
          this.AllowFiltering = true;
          this.AllowSorting = true;
          this.AllowPaging = true;
          this.AllowColumnReorder = true;

          this.SettingsChanged= EventCallback.Factory.Create<DataGridSettings>(this, OnLoadData);

      protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
          //await LoadStateAsync();
      private async Task OnLoadData(DataGridSettings args)

          await JSRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("window.localStorage.setItem", "SettingsLoadData", JsonSerializer.Serialize<DataGridSettings>(args));

      private async Task LoadStateAsync()
          var result = await JSRuntime.InvokeAsync<string>("window.localStorage.getItem", "SettingsLoadData");
          if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result) && result != "null")
              this.Settings = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<DataGridSettings>(result);

      protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
          if (firstRender)
              await LoadStateAsync();



I found it, it is by having the OnAfterRenderAsync override within the grid class.