Datagrid rendering twice

Although I understand this is not a Radzen issue I am looking for ways around it.

I have a Radzen Datagrid on a page in clients/pages with @rendermode RenderMode.InteractiveAuto.

This seems to work fine, however, when loading data it seems to refresh as if it is loading twice but the OnInit method is hit only once according to breakpoint.

If I move the page into the server project nothing seems to work in terms of the sorting functions etc.

What are my options to stop the refresh?

Appreciate any advice.

Blazor components are initialized only once however are rendered multiple times on state change. Assigning Data is such change.

So what can I do to limit this rerender?

Not sure you understood my reply. How do you know that the DataGrid is re-rendered? If your page is blinking on first load this is the Blazor prerender not the DataGrid - you cannot see visually when a Blazor component is rerendered.