Datagrid inline edit dropdown

Can someone point me in the right direction. I have a datagrid using inline editing with a few dropdown's to select value for cell. Several of the dropdowns cause the application to lock up and I have to restart. Looking for some details on adding dropdowns to datagrid. Any help is appreciated.

It might be due to runtime errors. Check your browser developer console for errors.

Indeed there is probably a runtime exception. You can debug the application with Visual Studio to see what the exception is.

I have checked in google browser console and no errors. Ran the application through VS 2109, did a complete build and then debugged. No errors came up and no exceptions. I the did two tests. I did a basic CRUD build from scratch using radzen CRM database. I added a page for datagrid inline editing (no extra code, did not build the form from scratch) and in both cases, when I added a record and then cancelled the add (instead of saving) twice in a row, the application then stops (still no errors or runtime exceptions anywhere). An interesting note is that when I attempt to choose other menu items, it tries to load the page and I can see it in the browser navigation. I then though maybe I had a corrupted install of radzen, so I did a complete uninstall and re-install of radzen. Attempted the same tests and got the same results. I know that adding a record and then canceling the add twice or more in a row is not typical user operation, but I am testing for all possible error situations. Any feedback or advice is appreciated.

Just to follow up on this. This issue is only happening when I add a record and then cancel the edit before saving...after the second time doing this the application stops.

This seems to be an issue in the CancelXXXChanges method that Radzen generates (which is called when the user clicks the Cancel button during inline editing). We will address that with the next Radzen release.

Update works perfectly! Thank you!