I really like the "Datagrid inline" page type. However, if the datasource contains no data then clicking on the ADD button has no effect - and no error. When I added data directly in the DB then it works. The result is the same if I use a filter on the datasource (page load event or on the grid directly); if there is no data in the filtered datasource, then button has no effect.
Table is pretty straight forward, (Id, Name) and page is automaticaslly generated on a brand new application, using latest build.
Good day. Is it fixed? Because It doesn't work now too... I have empty data grid with Add button, but when I click no effect. But when I debug component source code - it has new rows in object, but not in data grid...
It doesn't work in my case: I load data from an api in the LoadData event (empty result list when there are no records) and I add the new firs row in the InsertRow as in the example but nothing happens.