When using the multi-Select mode of the grid and trying to deselect programitcally (selectedServices = null;) all rows, it removes the check mark in the rows but leaves one of the previously selected rows highlighted, as if it was selected. I can't seem to un-highlight all the rows of the grid. I've tried the grid.Reload() but the highlight remains. Even if I sort the grid from the UI it retains the one highlighted row.
Is there a way to deselect all rows programactically and remove all check marks and highlighting?
For multi select datagrid working with this code
<RadzenCheckBox TabIndex="-1" TriState="false" TValue="bool?"
InputAttributes="@(new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "aria-label", "Select all items" } })"
Value="@(selectedItems == null || selectedItems?.Any() != true ? false : !NewRequestList.All(i => selectedItems.Any(x=>x.ProjectTitle.Contains(i.ProjectTitle))) ? null : NewRequestList.Any(i => selectedItems.Any(x=>x.ProjectTitle.Contains(i.ProjectTitle))))"
Change="@(args => { selectedItems = args == true ? NewRequestList.ToList() : null; })" />
<RadzenCheckBox TabIndex="-1" TriState="false" TValue="bool"
InputAttributes="@(new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "aria-label", "Select item" } })"
Value="@(selectedItems != null && selectedItems.Any(x=>x.ProjectTitle.Contains(list1.ProjectTitle)))"
Change=@(args => { if (false) { Grid.SelectRow(list1); } if (selectedItems != null) { if (selectedItems.Count() >= NewRequestList.Count()) { selectedItems = null; } } }) />