DataGrid hierarchy isnt expandable

Hi. I have an issue i cant seem to figure out. I have an object with some properties one of them being a list of other objects. The lists are both populated, but the datagrid isnt expandable.

When inspecting the page and looking at the HTML, it seems the inside grid isnt being generated. The chevron icon is in the html but not visible.

Any pointers or help would be much appreciated!

 <RadzenDataGrid @ref="grid" AllowAlternatingRows="false" AllowFiltering="false" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="20" AllowSorting="true" ExpandMode="DataGridExpandMode.Single" 
                 Data="custSuppList" TItem="CustSupp">
     <Template Context="cust">
         <RadzenDataGrid AllowFiltering="false" AllowPaging="true" AllowSorting="true" Data="@cust.invoiceCombinedList" TItem="InvoiceCombined">
                 <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="InvoiceCombined" Property="ext_inv_ref" Title="Fakturanr."></RadzenDataGridColumn>
                 <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="InvoiceCombined" Property="voucher_date" Title="Bilagsdato">
                     <Template Context="data">
                 <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="InvoiceCombined" Property="due_date" Title="Forfallsdato">
                     <Template Context="data">
                 <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="InvoiceCombined" Property="amount" Title="Beløp">
                     <Template Context="data">
                 <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="InvoiceCombined" Property="rest_amount" Title="Restbeløp">
                     <Template Context="data">
                 <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="InvoiceCombined" Property="voucher_no" Title="Bilagsnr."></RadzenDataGridColumn>
         <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="CustSupp" Property="apar_id" Title="Kundenr."></RadzenDataGridColumn>
         <RadzenDataGridColumn TItem="CustSupp" Property="apar_name" Title="Navn"></RadzenDataGridColumn>

We cannot tell from the provided code why the DataGrid might not be expandable. You can attach Radzen.Blazor.csproj instead the nuget package to debug your case.

Thanks for the reply. What do you mean?

Attach the Radzen.Blazor source code to your project. Your RadzenDataGrid looks empty by the way. I would see if this isn't the problem.

I ran it with debugging. The list contains one CustSupp object with a list of CombinedInvoice which in turn has 2 objects inside it.

Ah I think i understand. That way i can use the model and the data from the documentation?

You can use the model and data from the documentation by just editing the online demo - click Edit source, make your changes and press the run button.