Datagrid filter by multiple values

I'm trying to show filtered results by multiple values in my datagrid. I managed to filter it by one value in Edit Columns / Properties / FilterValue and it is working with one value. But can't make it work with 3 values. I tried just numbers, after that with (), " "...but nothing.

You want to filter on initial load? Check this article for more info:

I tried that first but still didn't get the results. This shows how to filter to one default value. I also need 2 or more values to filter.
And if I do this with 1 value I get that value in filter field but data is not filtered by that value as you can see in picture. Only when I go to next column filter and press tab than Category ID filter turns on (reload page doesn't help)

Clicking on any sort also triggers filter

Make sure you execute Reload for first render after column filter values are set similar to the article I've posted: