DataGrid Export and limits

I am using the export (Excel or CSV) capability of Radzen with the DataGrid (Angular).
Everything worked like expected with records under the few thousands and an Excel file size of less than 10 MB.
Now the table containing the data is grown and has more than 345000 records.

In some cases if you wait long like 15 min. the data will export and has a file-size more than 30 MB, but there is no indication if the export will succeed.
My question, has any of you experienced this? , are there limits that are fixed or configured.
Waiting would not be any problem while the export is going on if we could show some progress, are there some options on showing progress.

Thanks for your help.

There are no limits. The code which generates the Excel file is generated in your application and you can debug or profile it to see what is slow for your case.