DataGrid displays Model Type instead of Property values

I have created a component with a DataGrid, following the example:
Master and detail Blazor DataGrid (, which does not render correctly. The values in the data grid columns do not list the property value, but the C# Type of the Model:

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

This is the Razor component:

@page "/programs"
@using CompuTax.Client.Pages.Common
@using CompuTax.Shared.Models.Common

        @if (Programs == null)
            <div class="row">
                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <RadzenGrid Count="@ProgramCount" Data="@Programs" TItem="TaxProgram" Value="@Program" RowSelect="@(args => Program = args)" 
                                ColumnWidth="200px" AllowFiltering="true" AllowPaging="true" PageSize="5" AllowSorting="true">
                            <RadzenGridColumn Width="100px" TItem="TaxProgram" Property="Program" Title="Tax Program" />
                            <RadzenGridColumn Width="100px" TItem="TaxProgram" Property="Module" Title="Module" />
                <div class="col-md-6">
                    <RadzenCard Style="margin-bottom:20px">
                        Tax Program:
                    <RadzenGrid Count="@Program.TaxYears.Count()" Data="@Program.TaxYears" TItem="TaxYear"
                                ColumnWidth="100px" AllowFiltering="true" AllowPaging="true" AllowSorting="true">
                            <RadzenGridColumn Width="100px" TItem="TaxYear" Property="Year" Title="Tax Year" Type="integer" />


This is the Code Behind:

public partial class TaxPrograms
    private HttpClient Http { get; set; }

    protected int ProgramCount;
    protected int YearCount;
    protected TaxProgram Program;
    protected IEnumerable<TaxProgram> Programs;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        await Task.Delay(2000);
        await LoadData();

    protected async Task LoadData()
        //TaxPrograms = await Http.GetFromJsonAsync<TaxYear[]>("api/taxprograms");
        //TaxPrograms = System.Array.Empty<TaxProgram>();

        Programs = new List<TaxProgram>
            new TaxProgram

                MasterId = 1,
                Program = "Real Estate",
                Module = "RE",
                TaxYears = new List<TaxYear>
                    new TaxYear
                        MasterId = 1,
                        ProgramId = 1,
                        Year = 2020,
                    new TaxYear
                        MasterId = 2,
                        ProgramId = 1,
                        Year = 2019,
            new TaxProgram

                MasterId = 2,
                Program = "Per Capita",
                Module = "RE",
                TaxYears = new List<TaxYear>
                    new TaxYear
                        MasterId = 3,
                        ProgramId = 2,
                        Year = 2020,
                    new TaxYear
                        MasterId = 4,
                        ProgramId = 2,
                        Year = 2019,

        Program = Programs.FirstOrDefault();
        ProgramCount = Programs.Count();
        await Task.Yield();

These are the two models:

public class TaxProgram
    public int MasterId;
    public string Module;
    public string Program;
    public IEnumerable<TaxYear> TaxYears { get; set; }

public class TaxYear
    public int MasterId;
    public int ProgramId;
    public short Year;

Hi @ggrewe,

Your models use fields instead of properties and this is why they don't appear in the Radzen DataGrid (which expects properties).

Thank you Atanas, that solved it. Cannot believe I did not see that. Thank you!

I have the same problem but we cannot switch from fields to properties. Each database field is a class with many functions and properties and we cannot change that. Is there another solution?
Each field has a "Value" property to get and set the value.