DataGrid custom filter add same style with default advanced filter

Is there an easy way to apply the default style(padding, margin, theme colors...) of advanced filter to custom filter so they look the same, or I have to do all css manually?

     <RadzenText Text="Filter" />
     <RadzenDropDown @bind-Value=@_instaSellTimeFilterTimeDirectionValue
                     Data=@(Enum.GetValues(typeof(TimeDirection)).Cast<TimeDirection>().Select(timeDirection => timeDirection)) />
     <RadzenNumeric @bind-Value=_instaSellTimeFilter ShowUpDown=true />
     <RadzenDropDown @bind-Value=@_instaSellTimeFilterTimeUnitValue
                     Data=@(Enum.GetValues(typeof(TimeUnit)).Cast<TimeUnit>().Select(timeUnit => timeUnit)) />

     <RadzenButton Text=Clear Click=@ClearFilters />
     <RadzenButton Text=Apply Click=@ApplyFilters />

There is no such way, you have to apply desired styles manually.