DataGrid cancel edit row problem


I have an issue with the DataGrid inline editing mode when I want to revert the changes. It seems like not working at all, it just saves the changes that made to the row (the cancel functionality is the same as save changes button). The data takes place in memory, no REST API (cached to the browser RAM, I hope it's understandable), and I think that is the problem based on a older topic answer RadzenGrid - datagrid revert changes on 'cancel' btn . So my question is this the correct operation when the data is in memory and it should only work well when using like REST API with LoadData where the grid triggers the loading after cancel action and loads the old data back? If thats the case, no problem, I just want to know the cancel action works this way, so i can adapt to it (like I should probably save the record when the user clicks on edit with deep copy and pass that object to the CancelEditRow function).

Thank you for your answer! :smiley:

The CancelEditRow method just exits edit mode. The developer is responsible for reverting the data item to its original state.

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