DataGrid advanced filter clear resets to intial value

When i clear the filter from advanced mode it resets to intial value 500, shouldn't it reset to default value of long? which is null? How can i give it intial value of 500 and when clear reset to null?

<RadzenDataGridColumn Property=Volume Title=Volume FilterValue=_volumeFilter.Value
                      FilterOperator=FilterOperator.GreaterThanOrEquals SecondFilterOperator=FilterOperator.LessThanOrEquals>
    <Template Context=item>
        <RadzenText Text=@NumericUtility.FormatNumber(item.Volume) />

private Filter<long?> _volumeFilter = new() { Value = 500 };
namespace Application.Models
    public class Filter<T>
        public T? Value;

It will be reset to the value of volumeFilter.Value

Is there a callback after clear i can use to set volumeFilter.Value to null?

Yes, there is - you can easily check the source code for reference:

That callback triggers on every column filter clear. I am looking for a way to clear only the filter of the column clear clicked.

Looks like you don’t care to check the code even I have pointed exactly where to look. You have info about the column in the event arguments.