Dangerous project setting - Nullable

Is there any general guidance on what Visual Studio project property settings should not be changed for Radzen projects?
I made the mistake of changing the Nullable project setting (Build > General) to "Enable" in Visual Studio (Radzen created it as blank).
I started getting exceptions in the following circumstances:

  1. In my SQL Server database, a string (nvarchar) column in a table is defined as accepting nulls.
  2. The table concerned actually had some nulls in the column.

When the table was read and enumerated e.g. for a RadzenDataGrid, a run time exception would be raised.

System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlNullValueException: Data is Null. This method or property cannot be called on Null values.
at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlBuffer.get_String()

The exception seemed to occur because the column property (generated by EF scaffolding in "Models\<db>\<table>.cs") was not defined as nullable, i.e. it had
public string Title {get;set;}
instead of
public string? Title {get;set;}

(This only applied to strings - other column types were defined as nullable, if they accepted nulls in the database e.g. "int?".) If I edited the generated context column property to "string?" it worked. But obviously one should not edit a generated file. So I initially thought this was a bug. However an app generated in Radzen from scratch using the same database did not show this problem.

Eventually I found that setting Nullable=Disable - none of the other available values works - allows the data source to be read OK in the above circumstances.
Note: Setting Nullable=Enable before generating the DataSource does not change the behaviour.

I wonder if there are any other settings that it would be wise to avoid changing?

Hi @jeremygerbil

We are not aware of other project settings that would have runtime implications. Probably enabling warnings as errors could be troublesome too but won't have runtime effect - only build could fail.