CSS Isolation not working with Radzen DropDown components

I'm trying to get CSS isolation to work with the Radzen DropDown (single/multiple selection) components but it seems it is not implemented (correctly).

What I deduce from the rendered Blazor component is that the RadzenDropDown generates the dropdown panel at the end of the '<body>' and not inside the main "<div>" dropdown:

  • The main div is rendered inside the div that encapsulate the "<RadzenDropDown>"

  • But the dropdown panel is not, so the HTML attribute is NOT appended. So the css isolation is not working.

  • The dropdown label is rendered inside that div, so the css applies correctly.
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There is a know issue "CSS Isolation not working with Radzen components" but it does not apply to me because the CSS isolation works fine if the rendered/generated elements are inside the "<div>" with the HTML attribute. But not if the element is generated outside the "<div>".

There is no way to position properly a popup with different technique.

That's what I was afraid of. Anyway, thanks for your answer!