Could not find 'Radzen.createDatePicker'


C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\8.0.202\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish\targets\PublishTargets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish.MSDeploy.targets(171,5): error MSB6006: "msdeploy.exe" exited with code -1

After closing VS2022 and delete all temp Files now the correct Radzen.Blazor.js is published - weird :wink:

Hope this helps. I fixed our error by updating to the latest Radzen.Blazor.js.

Long story short the error is caused by old Radzen.Blazor.js. Using a cache buster such as the version of the Radzen.Blazor assembly is the recommended approach.

<script src="_content/Radzen.Blazor/Radzen.Blazor.js?v=@(typeof(Radzen.Colors).Assembly.GetName().Version)"></script>

I am closing this thread as there isn't much more to add to it.

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