Confirm modal showing under dropdown list

Please see my below issue. While selecting a value from dropdown model form is coming under dropdown list. modal confirm should come up on dropdownlist. How can I fix that? Thanks !

modal confirm
Below my code:

var isConfirmed = await DialogService.Confirm("Do you wish to change the Deal Id based on the new Risk Type?", "Deal Identity Change",
new ConfirmOptions() { OkButtonText = "Yes", CancelButtonText = "No" });

if (isConfirmed.HasValue && isConfirmed.Value)
// doing some staff

Thanks for the report! It will be fixed in the next update later this week.

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Actually I spoke too soon. The z-index of the popup should be always greater than the z-index of the dialog in order components like DropDown, DropDownDataGrid, etc. to be used normally in dialogs. How is this confirm dialog shown? In the Change event of the DropDownDataGrid?

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Yes, RadzenDropDownDataGrid Change event
Change=@(args=> onDropDownChange((string)args))

The only option I can suggest for such scenario is to close the DropDownDataGrid popup before confirm using Radzen.closePopupsOnScroll() function:

await JsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("Radzen.closePopupsOnScroll");
Sorry I'm not getting this function Radzen.closePopupsOnScroll()
I'm using Radzen.Blazor 3.2.7 version. Thanks !

Error: Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException: Could not find 'Radzen.closePopupsOnScroll' ('closePopupsOnScroll' was undefined).
Error: Could not find 'Radzen.closePopupsOnScroll' ('closePopupsOnScroll' was undefined).

The latest version is 3.12.1.

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I have updated Radzen.Blazor version. Now its working. Thanks !