ColorPicker cursor issue


I would like to start by thanking the Radzen team, you are really active with this library and I almost always find the answer to my questions in this forum :smiley:

So, is my turn for questions, :sweat_smile: sorry.

I'm using Colorpicker as follow:

<RadzenColorPicker @bind-Value=@Tag.Color ShowButton=@true />

An I'm experiencing the following issues:
1 - The cursor in the color palet is not correctly positioned, even if I initialize it in other color than white or black. In the following image you can see the cursor in the left upper corner and the color is not white. See image below
2 - After moving the transparency selector, i receive an the following exception in the image.


  • I'm using Radzen 3.0.10 in Blazor WASM, but I had the same issue with the 2.18.6.
  • My locale is fr-FR.

Thanks in advance,

Hi @Carlos,

I can't reproduce such a problem in our online demo. Does it work for you?

Hi @korchev ,

Yes the online demo is working perfectly, so is not a browser issue. By the way, I'm testing with Chrome 88.0.4324.150.

I think is really tied to my project environment, the project type (which I didn't specified for you and is .NET5 WASM) or my locale.


Someone has an idea of what can be causing this behavior ?