Coding the EditApplicationUser.razor page in Tutorial

Hello. I recently purchased Blazor Studio Pro (I've been a desktop/SQL dev using VS)

In walking through the tutorial, I checked the "Final app" on GitHub and found -> Customize security | Create a Blazor CRM application with Radzen Blazor Studio | Radzen Blazor Studio

Anyway, I'm not sure if it's relevant or not, but the FileInput component is bound to "Picture" and the Component is set to "LastName".

Is that intentional?

<RadzenFormField Text="" Variant="Variant.Filled">
                       <RadzenFileInput @bind-Value="@(user.Picture)" Name="Picture" ChooseText="Choose Picture" />
                       <RadzenRequiredValidator Component="LastName" Text="Picture is required" />

This is definitely a mistake on our end and we will fix it immediately!