Close Opened Sub menu when Opening another

Given this programmatically constructed Panel Menu:

    <RadzenPanelMenu Style="width: 100%; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 3.5rem; bottom: 0; background-color: #006341">
        @if (MenuItems != null)
            @foreach (var i in MenuItems)
                @if (i.ParentId == 0 && i.HREF != "")
                    <RadzenPanelMenuItem Text="@i.Text" Path="@i.HREF" Icon="@i.Icon"></RadzenPanelMenuItem>
                @if (i.ParentId == 0 && i.HREF == "")
                    <RadzenPanelMenuItem Text="@i.Text">
                        @foreach (var m in MenuItems.Where(m => m.ParentId == i.Id))
                            <RadzenPanelMenuItem Text="@m.Text" Path="@m.HREF" Icon="@m.Icon"></RadzenPanelMenuItem>
    </RadzenPanelMenu> there a way to close a sub menu when another one is opened?

Because, seriously, this is ugly, and I really don't want to allow my users to do it:

I realize this is similar to a question asked two years ago, wherein the answer was no, but y'all are actively updating the application to add new features -- so I'm kinda hoping this will be my lucky day. :slight_smile:


Hi @Carthax,

There is no single expand out-of-the-box however you can set Expanded property to the items and control what is expanded similar to what we are doing in our demos: