Cleare selected items in Checkbox List

I am using a CheckboxList control, with one item labeled 'None'. For instance, 'Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3', 'None'. I would like any other selected items to be deselected when the user clicks None.
I currently have a method called by the control's Change event, and can see if one of the items selected is 'None'. I now need to be able to deselect any of the other items.

public void OnChange(IEnumerable args)
if (args.ToList().Any(s => s == IdForNone) // If any of the selected items has an ID that matches the 'None' id
// How do I deselect the other items?

Here is a possible imlementation:

<div class="rz-p-12 rz-text-align-center">
    <RadzenCheckBoxList @bind-Value=@values TValue="int" Change=@(args => values = args.Contains(0) ? new int[]{ 0 } : values ) class="mb-5">
            <RadzenCheckBoxListItem Text="None" Value="0" />
            <RadzenCheckBoxListItem Text="Orders" Value="1" />
            <RadzenCheckBoxListItem Text="Employees" Value="2" />
            <RadzenCheckBoxListItem Text="Customers" Value="3" />

@code {
    IEnumerable<int> values = new int[] { 1 };

With your sample, once somebody clicks 'None' they cannot click another value to remove the 'None'. I've taken your sample, and enhanced it.

<RadzenCheckBoxList @bind-Value="@Model.SelectedIds"
Change="@(args => ValidateItems(args))">

RadzenCheckBoxList? itemTypeCheckboxList;
public void ValidateItems(IEnumerable args)
var itemList = args.ToList(); // I believe that at this point args is
// interchangable with Model.SelectedIds
var itemNoneId = itemTypeNone!.ItemTypeId.GetValueOrDefa

  // If the last selected arg is for the 'None' treatment type
  if (itemList.Last() == itemNoneId)
  	Model.SelectedIds = new int[] { itemNoneId };
  	itemList.RemoveAll(s => s != itemNoneId);
  	itemList.RemoveAll(s => s == itemNoneId);
  	Model.SelectedIds = itemList;
  // If they select 'Other' show a textbox that they can fill in.
  if (itemList.Any(s => s == itemTypeOther!.ItemTypeId))
  	showOtherItem = true;
  	showOtherItem= false;
