Changing Page Title

I found this post from a while ago, and it looks like this functionality has now been implemented in a Blazor component.

Do we still have to use the javascript technique update the page title still?



Hi @bdiplacido,

Once Radzen officially supports .NET 5 you will be able to use those new components in your pages inside a HTML component.

Great, thank you. Is there a timeframe for upgrading to .NET 5?

There are a few blocking issues in .NET 5 RC1. We can't release .NET 5 support until those are resolved by Microsoft. The timeframe is when Microsoft releases a more stable version of .NET 5 - either RC 2 or RTM.

There is .NET 6 and look like now Blazor supports to change title of page. How can I change the page title with the Radzen IDE now?

At the moment you can use Radzen HTML component to define page titles:


To register HeadOutlet in _Host.cshtml you need to add it to application ignore list: