Change the background color of dialog

Hi radzen team,
I want to change background color of rz-dialog-content Dynamically with a button.
Such as red, green and blue. Can I do this by modifying the style below? How can I implement it?

await DialogService.OpenAsync("",
new DialogOptions()
Style = "to change background color of rz-dialog-content",

Many thanks!

Have you tried with background-color?

I've tried background before, but never background-color. Now I have tried background-color, it works!

I have another question that need your help.
Can I remove the white padding around the red area of dialog content with a button when I need to?

Can I do this by modifying the style below?

await DialogService.OpenAsync("",
new DialogOptions()
Style = "remove the white padding around the red area of dialog content",

There is no such padding when I test in our dialog page:

    public async Task OpenOrder()
        await DialogService.OpenAsync<DialogCardPage>($"Order {orderID}",
               new Dictionary<string, object>() { { "OrderID", orderID } },
               new DialogOptions() { Width = "700px", Height = "570px", 
              Style="background:red", Resizable = true, Draggable = true });