Change avatar icon or image in RadzenProfileMenu

I can't find any example of how to change the avatar icon of the RadzenProfileMenu , can someone show me how? Thank you


You can set anything using the template:

Thanks for the help, but in my case I need a custom image with image path

You can use arbitrary components in the template for example <RadzenImage Path="/path/to/avatar.jpg" />

Yes thanks, I had already tried that before asking, but I don't know why this example image of my google avatar works in RadzenImage, but inside the template it doesn't change my avatar. Is there a problem with the format?

<RadzenProfileMenu Click="@ProfileMenuClick">
                                <RadzenImage Path="" style="width: 64px"></RadzenImage>
                                <RadzenProfileMenuItem Path="Account/LoginGoogle" Icon="login" Text="Login" />
                                <RadzenGravatar Email="@Security.User?.Name" />

Here you can see how it looks if I put it before the component

Delete the second Template.

thank you very much korchev, that was all. I really was convinced that it was within the child content and not that it was replacing it. Excuse my stupidity.