Can't get any Radzen component to work

I'm brand new to Radzen components, but I'm struggling to get off the ground with them! I've added a RadzenButton to my Index.Razor file, however, it says: "Click does not exist in the current context".

<RadzenButton Click="@((args) => Click(args, "Button with text"))" Text="Button" Style="margin-bottom: 20px; width: 150px" />

Under wwwroot/css I have default-base.css
Under wwwroot/js I have Radzen.Blazor.js
In the _Host.cshtml file in the section I have , and in the section I have .
In my _Imports.razor file I have both: @using Radzen and @using Radzen.Blazor

I'm also not understanding this _content folder? I couldn't find that, so I put the Radzen css in my css folder and the Radzen js in my js folder under wwwroot.

I'm on the latest and greatest version of hopefully everything in my Visual Studio 2019. (16.5.4)
If I run: dotnet --version it says: 3.1.201

Hi @chessdr,

Check if you have the Click function defined in your page. You can always remove attributes until it compiles.

The _content folder is part of something called static web assets - a built-in feature of Blazor class libraries. Basically those files are part of the class library (Radzen.Blazor in this case). ASP.NET Core knows about them and resolves them at runtime.