Can Radzen's Internationalization be executed on the localhost?


I am using radzen's community edition (version 2.17.7). I follow the document of " Internationalization" to setup my first multi-language web app.

[](http://Internationalization i18n)

But it does not work on my Macbook Pro.

I don't understand that I miss any procedures or not. My web app is very simple.

  1. It has only one "button".
  2. I setup two cultures. (en-US & zh-CHT , en-US is my default culture)

According to the tutorial, I only need to modify the file of messages.zh-CHT.xlf.

I follow all of the procedures to build this app. It still cannot work with "multi-language" mode.

Can someone show me how to solve this issue ?


Paul Wang

Hi Paul,

Radzen is using Angular i18n which works only when the app was build in production mode - Radzen run button will run the app in debug mode. You can deploy your app to your local IIS to check the localization.

Best Regards,

Hi Vladimir,

I still have the problem for i18n production mode.

My Application Name : test

I create two languages (en-US & zh-CHT) for production.

(1) ./node_modules/.bin/ng build --prod --aot --base-href /Form/en-US/ --output-path=dist/en-US --i18n-file=src/i18n/messages.en-US.xlf --i18n-locale en-US --i18n-format=xlf

(2) ./node_modules/.bin/ng build --prod --aot --base-href /Form/zh-CHT/ --output-path=dist/zh-CHT --i18n-file=src/i18n/messages.zh-CHT.xlf --i18n-locale zh-CHT --i18n-format=xlf

I launch my production mode. ---> http://localhost:8888/Form/en-US/index.html , The web page is lauched at "English" Language.

When I try to launch "Chinese" page. I get the following error message.

# Not Found

The requested URL /Form/zh-CHT/test was not found on this server.

If I type "http://localhost:8888/Form/zh-CHT/index.html". It can display correctly. If I try to switch to "English" page. I also get "Not Found" Error.

Do I miss any steps to build radzen app for i18n. The page tries to find "test".

Where I can modify or find this information ?

Best Regards,

Paul Wang

Hi Paul,

To build localized version of the application is far more complex compared to non localized version. For each language you should have separate Angular application + there is a special code in the .NET Core app to handle localization. Of course all these are implemented out-of-the-box when you deploy the app using Radzen.

Best Regards,

Hi Vladimir,

Thanks for your reply. But I still get the same error. I following the quick video ( to deploy it. It does not configure any ".NET Core app" on the video. The only difference is that I deploy it as "zip" file. My web server is Apache and Nginx.

  1. I unzip the file ( into my web server.

  2. I connect to my English language version. If I try to switch to "Traditional Chinese", I still get the same error.

Does anyone have the detail procedure to configure it correctly ? I need the detail information or tutorial to solve this issue.

Best Regards,

Paul Wang


Unlike manual deploy, when you use Radzen deploy everything will be configured automatically.

I just deployed our sample app (to ZIP and copied to IIS) with English and Chinese localization and switching between languages worked as expected:

Best Regards,

Hi Vladimir,

For your explanation, your demo app can switch language between en-US and zh-CN.

http://localhost/sample/en-US/orders <---> http://localhost/sample/zh-CN/orders

For my case, it always get the error "http://localhost/myApp/en-US/main not found" or "http://localhost/myApp/zh-CHT/main not found" .

I can link "http://localhost/myApp/zh-CHT/index.html" or "http://localhost/myApp/en-US/index.html" directly.

But I cannot link "http://localhost/myApp/en-US/main" or "http://localhost/myApp/zh-CHT/main" directly.

Do I miss any configuration ?

I think that is why I did not get the same result as yours.

How can I solve it ?