Button with Image

Hello all,
does someone know how to place an Image on an RadzenButton like in the Blazor Demo?
Didnt have a image property...

In The Demo it looks like this:

but i cant insert an RadzenImage on the RadzenButton...

Thanks in Advance

Hello Radzen Team,
can you please tell me how to define an Image on an RadzenButton like you did in the Online Demo?

 <h3>Button with icon</h3>
        <RadzenButton Click="@((args) => Click(args, "Button with icon"))" Icon="account_circle" Style="margin-bottom: 20px; width: 80px" />
        <br />
        <h3>Button with image</h3>
        <RadzenButton Click="@((args) => Click(args, "Button with image"))" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Light" Style="margin-bottom: 20px; width: 80px">
            <RadzenImage Path="images/radzen-nuget.png" Style="width:100%" />
        <br />
        <h3>Button with secondary style</h3>
        <RadzenButton Click="@((args) => Click(args, "Secondary button"))" Text="Button" ButtonStyle="ButtonStyle.Secondary" Style="margin-bottom: 20px; width: 150px" />
        <br />


Hello Radzen Team,
can you help please?
We need to put Images on Buttons....

Kind Regards

Hi @Thomas,

You can use HTML component to define such content:

The Click event in this case should be defined in the page partial class:

Hi @enchev,
Thanks for the help!

A custom component is for sure a solution to this. But we need Images on every button.
And this solution is not very handy for hundreds of buttons. Especially for submit buttons.

Are there any chance that you give us the possibility in Radzen Designer to define an image just like an icon on the radzenbutton? as with the navigation Items...

That were great


Sure, we can do that! It will be part of our next update.

This is great! many many Thanks! That will save us much work.

Many Greetings

Installed new vesion. New Image Property on Buttons works as espected!

Great Work!

Many Thanks!