Button on Dialog cannot update parent component

I have 2 pages:

  1. ViewCategory.razor : this page has DataGrid : ID, name,.. and one button called AddNew at the top of the DataGird.
  2. AddNewCategory.razor : this page has a button Submit (call to API).

button AddNew is called to open the dialog "AddNewCategory" component.

Issue: I click the submit button and call to API success, then call to get all categories again. But, my Datagrid is not updated (debug shows correct)

How do we update parent DataGrid from the dialog?

Thank you.

protected async Task GetCategories()
    btnRefreshBusy = true;
        response = await CategoryServices!.GetCategories();
        if (response!.IsSuccess)
            Categories = response.Data;
            throw new Exception(string.Join(" | ", response.Messages!));
    catch (Exception ex)
        Message = ex.Message;
    btnRefreshBusy = false;

protected async Task AddCategory(CategoryUploadModel model)
    btnAddBusy = true;
        var addReponse = await CategoryServices!.AddCategories(model);
        if (addReponse.IsSuccess)
            await GetCategories();
        else throw new Exception(string.Join(" | ", addReponse.Messages));
        Message = string.Join(" | ", addReponse.Messages!);
    catch (Exception ex) { 
    btnAddBusy = false;