bUnit Testing with Radzen Charts

I created a simple page using the code found on Radzen site at Blazor Donut Chart Component | Free UI Components by Radzen (literally copy/paste)

I then created a simple bUnit test to just render the page (see screenshot), but the code fails at the Radzen Chart.

with a StackTrace of...

   at Radzen.Blazor.RadzenChart.<OnAfterRenderAsync>d__100.MoveNext()
   at Bunit.Rendering.TestRenderer.AssertNoUnhandledExceptions()
   at Bunit.Rendering.TestRenderer.Render[TResult](RenderFragment renderFragment, Func`2 activator)
   at Bunit.Rendering.TestRenderer.RenderFragment(RenderFragment renderFragment)
   at Bunit.Extensions.TestContextBaseRenderExtensions.RenderInsideRenderTree(TestContextBase testContext, RenderFragment renderFragment)
   at Bunit.Extensions.TestContextBaseRenderExtensions.RenderInsideRenderTree[TComponent](TestContextBase testContext, RenderFragment renderFragment)
   at Bunit.TestContext.Render[TComponent](RenderFragment renderFragment)
   at Bunit.TestContext.RenderComponent[TComponent](Action`1 parameterBuilder)
   at OMMR.Tests.Integration.UiTests.AnalyticsPageTests.<Analytics_Page_Renders_Correctly>d__11.MoveNext() in C:\Users\xxx\Documents\GitHub\Tests\Integration\UiTests\AnalyticsPageTests.cs:line 362

All other Radzen components I use are working with bUnit tests. Its just anything using a Chart. If I remove the code calling the chart, the bUnit renders the component without issues.

Is there something I need to pass along when doing my tests?

Seems I may have been missing...

JSInterop.Setup<Rect>("Radzen.createChart", _ => true).SetResult(new Rect { Left = 0, Top = 0, Width = 200, Height = 200 });