[Bug Version 4.23.2] Dialog renders twice

Version 4.23.2 introduces a Bug to the RadzenDialog thats causes

    protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
        if (firstRender)

to be triggered twice with firstRender=true.
Maybe this is related to the "Dialog will stop render during drag."-Fix.

Thanks for investigating!

Hi @USBStick,

I don't understand your report - can you replicate the problem here?

Sorry for not being clear.
Unfortunately I can not replicate the problem on the demo page, because I need to modify the Dialog-component and not the compoment opening the Dialog.
But to replicate the issue just add this to any Dialog-component in Version 4.23.2:
int i = 0;
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
i = i++;

You will see that when the Dialog is completly loaded i=2 while normally it should be 1.
Hope that clears it up.

I'm afraid I still don't understand. Our demos are editable, you can apply whatever modification you want and press run button.

Let's look at the first example "Open page as a dialog":
The DialogService opens the "DialogCardPage". To replicate the issue I would need to edit this "DialogCardPage".
If you add
protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
if (firstRender)
to "DialogCardPage" and replace "..." you should notice that whatever you execute there will be executed twice because "OnAfterRenderAsync" gets triggerd at least twice and bool firstRender is true 2 times while it must only be true 1 time.

When I run the demos locally the render is hit only once:

I am very sorry to have wasted your time...

I initially updated the NuGet-package to 4.23.2 and the described problem appeared.
I then downgraded to 4.23.1 and the problem was gone.
I opened this topic and after your last reply I confirmed this by running the local demo and it also worked fine.
I now updated the NuGet-package to 4.23.2 again and the problem did not reappear.

I don't know what caused this as I did not alter my code at all, but I am happy it works now.

Thanks for helping!

I have the same problem in the Dialog Renders twice

in the blazor Server with version [4.26.1]. I use the foreach loop to go through a list of reference. Would you please let me know to fix the problem. Thanks!