blazor.server.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) Error: System.ArgumentException: There is no tracked object with id '11'. Perhaps the DotNetObjectReference instance was already disposed. (Parameter 'dotNetObjectId')
at Microsoft.JSInterop.JSRuntime.GetObjectReference(Int64 dotNetObjectId)
at Microsoft.JSInterop.Infrastructure.DotNetDispatcher.BeginInvokeDotNet(JSRuntime jsRuntime, DotNetInvocationInfo invocationInfo, String argsJson)
at Ft.endInvokeDotNetFromJS (blazor.server.js:1:3718)
at Ft._invokeClientMethod (blazor.server.js:1:75072)
at Ft._processIncomingData (blazor.server.js:1:72696)
at Ft.connection.onreceive (blazor.server.js:1:67009)
at i.onmessage (blazor.server.js:1:51322)
endInvokeDotNetFromJS @ blazor.server.js:1
_invokeClientMethod @ blazor.server.js:1
_processIncomingData @ blazor.server.js:1
Ft.connection.onreceive @ blazor.server.js:1
i.onmessage @ blazor.server.js:1
Sharing a video will not help with anything. You can attach the source code of Radzen.Blazor to your application to debug what and why is failing in your case.
Hello @Alek,
Have you managed to solve this issue? I'm experiencing a similar problem (essentially the same exception) with the RadzenUpload component.