Blazor razden dialog issue

i am a facing an issue with blazor raden dialog,any help will be appreciated
the dialog is not opening ,neither i see any exceptions or errors
main page
@page "/AddGoals"


@inject DialogService dialogService


<RadzenButton Text="Add Employee" Click="@(args => dialogService.Open<DialogCardPage>($"Order {orderID}", new Dictionary() { { "OrderID", orderID } }, new DialogOptions() { Width = "700px", Height = "530px" }))" />
@code { int orderID = 10248; protected override void OnInitialized() { dialogService.OnOpen += Open;dialogService.OnClose += Close; }
async void Open(string title, Type type, Dictionary<string, object> parameters, DialogOptions options)
    await InvokeAsync(() => { StateHasChanged(); });

async void Close(dynamic result)
    await InvokeAsync(() => { StateHasChanged(); });


code of page bei@page "/DialogCardPage/{OrderID"
@inject DialogService dialogService

OrderID: @OrderID

@code { [Parameter] public int OrderID { get; set; } protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync() {

ng opened in dialog

You need to add RadzenDialog to your layout:


I Have added the to main layout
still i am not able to see popup

I have also register the dialog service to my app

what might be other reason i can't see any exception in console as well


You can check the source code of our demos: