Blazor NotificationService not working?


Im having a issue where the NotificationService is not giving me the pop-up, hoping someone might know the problem.

I basically added a new button, just to test it and see if it shows the notification (based on the documentation available), and the code goes something like:

And then we have the actual ShowNotification method in the @code part:

And I can see that there is a message created:

But nothing pops up on the screen. If I add a logging and save the message somewhere, it does show up, so the object is being created, but just no pop-up message showing.

I did go through the getting started page, and made sure everything is added to enable the interactivity and other things. I.e. MainLayout:

And program.cs:

stylesheets are also added to the app.razor file:

Is there something still missing??

You only need RadzenComponents in the MainLayout. Try also to move it at the top.

Good to know!

Removed the unnecessary declaration and moved it to the top , but still the same problem. :confused:

Make sure also your MainLayout is interactive - you might need to set render mode for RadzenComponents if not.

Unfortunately still the same problem.

I have set the render mode to InteractiveServer in the component:

Dont see any problems in the browser console either :confused:

You need to set it here as well. To verify if this is what’s causing the problem you can simply set it for the entire app and check if it works.

Yes, you are right!

Had to add render mode MainLayout as well:

Now everything works.

Thank you for the help!