Best way to dynamically switch selectbar content from drop down list

hi guys, interesting problem,

i have one drop down list, with a key/value pair of INT/STRING

i also have a select bar...

what i want to do is to use the selection in this ddl to select data for the select bar items.

i'm thinking of using a list which i pass the ddl variable to which would then provide back an appropriate list of strings;

then when the user selects say #5 | quarterly from the drop down list, the select bar would have Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4 as selectable options.
the user can then select multiple entries from Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4 as required

i'm a bit stumped on how to configure the select bar to do this programatically in radzen, any thoughts?

okay i have finally figured it all out,
a few tricks to this pattern;
i started with the edit page and copied the example for select bar from the documentation but wrapped that in a switch / case

then i added a function to clear the selection (return an empty object)

then i added a load and save handler as the results are stored in a single field with pipe delimitation

with all that in place, i load the select bar options as the last step of the page, it just has to be after the primary field load.

i shove the results into a set property field.

as i'm in edit i also pull results from the DB and break the delimeted string into an IEnumerable array

that gets me to load the values

binding the values is then pretty much as per the select bar example.

finally, on the 'Change' event of the drop down list, i call the clear function, then i re-load the select bar objects which are put into the same set property from the initial load.

the code behind looks like this

the add form is a variation of the edit form